Saturday, February 20, 2010


So here is our little messy girl. Actually it's not her fault. Braden has been letting her suck on candy!!!!! Well, we've been feeding her peppermint water to help w/ the colic and all I do is put a peppermint candy in like 3 oz of water. So Braden has the bright idea to just let her lick the peppermint. Mmmm not so sure if it's the BEST idea - but she seems to be enjoying herself every time he does it. But NOW Braden is not only letting her have peppermints, but lick gummy bears, fruit snacks, and even gum (he just lets her lick it of course). This is not a mom thing - it's a dad thing. I just let him go. Gotta love it :)

1 comment:

  1. That's funny! I remeber Cameron feeding Takoma skittles at that age and chocolate candy bars. I wasn't to happy about it but I guess it's a dad thing definitely not a mom Way cute pic of Evie! She sure is getting big.
