Tuesday, May 28, 2013


Aside from the fact that Evie has a hearing loss, I think that most 3 year olds have a few words that they say ToTaLLy Wr0nG!
And sometimes you just don't want to correct them because it's toOOoo gosh dang cute!

In the above picture, Evie is holding her, as she calls it, sumbrella.
And one of Evie's favorite pass times, as she calls it, is to play on the sum-pull-a. (Computer!!!)

Most people don't think Evie talks, unless you're family or a close friend. She mostly keeps to herself unless we are at home or in a comfortable place.
The crazy-awesome thing is that Evie's speech is SO GOOD! Obviously she has some vocabulary words straight from the personalized Dictionary of Evie Grace, but how cool is that!? WAY. She speaks clearly and is understood probably 90% of the time. I've said it before, I'll say it again: TeChNoLoGy Rocks our world.
In preschool her speech and language teachers are AMAZED with our little gem. I'm so proud of Evie girl!

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