Thursday, December 17, 2009


Oh boy! What a morning we had today! I laugh every time I think about it. Evie woke up this morning and cried and cried . . . and cried! I couldn't do anything to calm her down so I decided to put her in the tub with me. If all else fails she always calms down in the tub! So I filled up the tub then we got in. We were only in for like 2 minutes then she starts grunting . . . and pooped . . . a lot! So I am frantically trying to drain the bath, and clean her off, and clean me off. YUCK! I wrapped her up and cleaned the tub and I was going to shower off before we got back in the tub again. Except I'd forgotten that I'd had the washing machine and dishwasher going all morning and I'd just drained a tub full of hot water. So no more hot water in the Robinson home and I felt disgusting! Took a cold shower then had to wrap Evie up and wait for the water to get hot again! CRAZY! I was all flustered at the time but now I can't quit laughing about it! Thanks Evie :)


  1. Hahahahahaha I love it. I love baths with Myla, the getting pooped on... not so much.

  2. haha don't you just love being a mom? I'm sorry about the crying. If you need to get out for a minute or need a break don't be afraid to let me know because we just stay home too.

  3. THAT is hilarious! Glad you are laughing about it though, not crying, which I am sure you really feel like doing at least once a day!! haha. She is precious!
