Monday, April 15, 2013

Name that Barbie!

{LOOK AT THE LEGS ON THAT BABE! work it guuurl!}

{mom barbie, see below for her unique name}

Evie is really into playing barbies lately! I love to eves drop and see what's happening in "Evie's World". I have to be so sneaky with pictures or it shuts down the whole operation! MOM, NOT TAKE PICTURES OF ME!
Evie is VERY specific about what toys Ella can play with. She wants Ella to play with her, just not really play with her. As you can see it's CONFUSING! Ella crawled into the bottom of the barbie house the other day . . . stressed Evie right out! MOM, ELLA GETTIN' THE BARBIE HOUSE!
 I love the scene of the 3rd picture: Naked barbie sitting in the kitchen, one boot, one shoe. She also moved the toilet up to the kitchen area just in case (how thoughtful). And the last photo of the kitties, how sweet. Little touches of LOVE all throughout the barbie house today!
P.S. Today the mom barbie's name is
Yellow-Mara-Lita (this name was pretty far out compared to her usual names ex: Fairya, Angles)
Favorite part of my day. Finding out what the moms name will be. Weather it be the mom barbie or Evie's the mom or her friend is the mom. BEST NAME CREATOR AWARD: Evie Robinson (hands down)
Love my girls!

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