Monday, April 5, 2010

Happy Birthday Braden/Daddy!

Braden turned 24 today! He's old :) Evie and I got him some shorts and shirts for summer (if it ever gets here) and a Sony Reader - which is pretty awesome!
I woke up and made breakfast before he went to work (4:30am) - which was also awesome!
Then I teased him all day long about what his present was going to be! Tonight we are going to his parents house for the big "Birthday Dinner!"

Here are 24 reasons I love my husband, Braden: He loves me, he loves Evie, he loves the Lord, he's a hard worker, he makes me and Evie laugh, and he's smart, he provides for our family, he thinks of the future, he supports my shopping needs, and my quilting needs, he cares how he looks so I don't have to give him guff, he changes Evie's diaper, he makes bottles in the middle of the night, we have fun together, we get along, we can talk through are disagreements, he is honest with me no matter the situation (even with "does this make me look fat?"), he prays with me, he cooks breakfast for me when he's not working, he melts my heart with his guitar, he plays x-box less than he used to, he helps me cook dinner, and sometimes even laundry, BECAUSE without him I would be missing a part of me!

Happy Happy Birthday Baby!

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